Tortuguerro Part Three: Monkeys!
On our way into another section of the preserve now. Here is a shot of Johnny and Tracy paddling ahead of us into the canal:

And here are the guys who were our most cooperative subjects to date. We heard some crashing about in the underbrush, and saw some trees shaking, and then here comes a little primate friend to say hi:

These are Spider Monkeys, specifically Ateles geoffroyi. As I mentioned, we saw all three indigenous species of monkey whilst we were on this morning tour. The three or so of the spider monkeys you see here were not even remotely bothered to have sweaty tourists goggling at them. Acted just like we weren't there. Here's one swinging from branch to branch, making great use of that prehensile tail:

Making sure his personal hygiene is properly administered:

Peeking! Now if that's not cute, I dunno what is.

We were fortunate indeed on that day. Picture perfect weather, not too much gawker traffic, and lots of friendly photo subjects.
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