Thursday, July 06, 2006

"I want to take off all my clothes...

...and run naked among you!"

You just gotta love Stuart Copeland. One of the greatest rock drummers of all time, and, well...who knows what he was thinking. Yes, he really did say that at the end of the Oysterhead set.

And that, above, is a picture of him whilst spouting that quote. I know, you can't hear it, but I did. It happened, honest!

The Oysterhead show was amazing. Truth is that I couldn't hum a single melody of any of the songs they played, nor could I repeat any of the lyrics. But, in this case, it doesn't matter at all.

Between Trey (formerly of Phish)...

...and the inimitable, unflappably cool and outrageously talented Les Claypool (Primus)...

...and of course, the legendary Stuart Copeland...

...this show was a tour de force (gawd do I sound like an 80s rock journalist or what...?) of raw jamming talent. The story is that Oysterhead had not played together since 2001. There were a few end-of-song trainwrecks that were nicely and musically covered up, but for the most part the smooth interplay of their musicianship was something remarkable to witness.

There was some truly weird sh*t... Trey playing his antler sound effects guitar...

(Did I just write that? "Antler Sound Effects Guitar"? Wow.......)

...and Les breaking out his modern take on a washtub bass...

...not to mention the Elvis mask...

...(what was he thinking....?!)...

But overall, weird sh*t and all, it was great fun to watch. Certainly part of that was the fact that these three world-class talents were themselves clearly having more fun than should be allowed in this life.

I'll leave you with my favorite picture of Stuart:

Don't be a stranger....


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