Bonna-F*ck*n'-Roo ! !
Can't tell you how many times I heard some alcohol- or cannabis-charged young sun worshipper shout the title to this post in the last coupla days. Four days actually. I recently decided to treat myself to something I've never done before: a multi-day music festival. So, from mid-day last Thursday through late Sunday, I was in Manchester Tennessee drinking in the sights and sounds of the Bonnaroo music festival.
It was a blast. An unmitigated, adrenaline charged, inspiring and humbling blast. I am SO glad I did it, and I don't regret a penny that I spent.
The good news for all my blogosphere friends is that I have a LOT of new visual material to post, along with some amusing stories and anecdotes. (Geez do I sound like a geek or what...?!)
Here is one to get you started. Tell me if you can guess the identity of this artist:
Not to mention hear..................................
Stay tuned...
Hmmm...Neil Young with a bad dye job? No... Courtney Love goes acoustic? No... I'm going to go with Tom Petty sporting his new Dutch Boy doo.
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