Wednesday, January 26, 2005

The Falls

At the moment, I cannot remember the name of this place, and I don't have my Lonely Planet book along to rescue me from my forgetfulness. When we got there, it was raining (imagine that!!) and when I got out of the car to put money in the parking thingy, I could hear a thunderous roar not far away. We got our gear together, got outta the car and took off for the noise. As good a photog as I am (ahem) these pics unfortunately do not do the place justice. The volume of water coming down off this mountain was absolutely astonishing.

Many times while we've been seeing the stuff we've been seeing I've wished that I could convey the sounds as well as the images. But that, my friends, costs "real" money.

When we first rounded the corner, I saw thundering rapids. Even my brother in law wouldn't dare take a kayak down this! There was a stairway to guide you along the way, and one of the first things we saw was this...

...and I still didn't even register how enormous this waterfall was...thinking it was just a bunch of rapids...(dummy me)...

...until we got up to the "viewing platform". Then I looked up, and up, and up......and way, way up there, Niagara Falls was cascading off the mountain. No kidding. It was like the Falls of Rauros in LOTR TT. (Lord of the Rings Two Towers...the second of three movies made about the famous trilogy.)

And, even yet more proof that Karen is here:

Hee. Enjoy!


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