Corfe Castle Part II
So I was surfing some friends' blogs this morning, and ran across a new word. My "virtual" friend Erik referenced the word "defenestration" as he wrote about some music that made him particularly happy. Thankfully he provided a link to a definition for those of us intellectual midgets who find themselves regarding his tower of intellectual mastery...and I ended up laughing out loud when I saw the definition. My roomate said "what?" and I explained to him what I just explained to you. And he said "ah yes, as in the Defenestration of Prague!" And he proceeded to give me an etymological breakdown of the word just right off the top of his head.
I swear I am not making this up.
So, now, thoroughly humbled, I will take you back to our regularly scheduled programming of things I can actually do reasonably this case taking pretty pictures of inanimate objects.
The very green spring of the English countryside from Corfe Castle:

A view of Corfe Village from the castle:

On the way back down to where we had parked our car, I came across this, which looks to me like it ought to be a postcard:

And here is a hint of things to come. Can anyone identify where these birds are perched?

Have fun & stay safe until next time....
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