Fall 2005
To be frank, I've never been that big a fan of Fall. I think it's largely because I always associated it with colder weather and the onset of Winter...who is definitely my least favorite Old Man.

I've been getting out a lot more this fall though, and turning my photographer's eye on the unique visuals of the season. There certainly are some lovely things to see.

I'm trying something new: the images in the main body of the blog are now a little smaller, but remember, if you click on the image you'll get a larger version.

These were all taken along with the pictures from my previous post at Proud Lake state recreation area. I highly recommend it to you (my blog AND the park. Har.).

Pow. That one just pops, doesn't it? Those are not grapes...don't know what they are...but I don't suggest eating them. Leave that to the birds. :-)
I am a big fan of the Fall and of your pictures. Thanks so much for sharing. Reminds me I need another sip of my Dogfish Head Punkin' Ale. -Peace Stephen
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