What's So Funny....
...about Elvis Costello and Alan Toussaint?

Well...actually...that they don't make great music together. Which may not be all that shocking of a revelation, given that EC is famous for angry brit-punk flavored tunes from the 70s, and Alan Toussaint is known for New Orleans flavored jazz music.
Elvis Costello opened up the set with his trademark "(What's So Funny 'bout) Peace Love and Understanding" and was then joined by Alan and a horn section.

While I appreciate what Elvis was trying to do with his collaboration (Alan Toussaint is a New Orleans musician displaced by hurricane Katrina, whom EC felt was and is underappreciated), I didn't find the resulting music to be compelling.

I actually ended up leaving the mainstage area about halfway through their set (in truth, partly due to "festival fatigue")...only to hear Elvis blast off into his own material as I was leaving the field. The good news is that it was loud enough (and I was camped close enough) that I could enjoy it just fine from my tent!
(Apologies for the overexposures in this set. Even Photoshop can't help you when you eff up taking the photo on the front end...)
On deck, what everyone has been clamoring for!
(i've been waiting patiently, with bated breath, for your radiohead review with pictures)
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