Tortuguerro Part Five: Waterfalls
Once we got back from our tour of the Tortuguerro nature preserve, we had another day of perfect weather and enjoyed the little town quite a lot. As it turns out, we were in Costa Rica at the very end of the rainy season, actually during the transition from rainy season to dry season. The upshot of this is that we were incredibly fortunate to have two perfect days in a row at Tortuguerro, given that there had been no sunny days for months previous.
Our last night in Tortuguerro saw the clouds roll in and the skies open up again. We got on the early water ferry back to our car and watched boatloads of miserably wet touristas going on their early morning nature tours....breathing a quiet prayer of thanks for our good fortune.
The renewed vigor of the rains made for wildly running rivers and waterfalls. Here is a series of pictures of waterfalls. The first picture is the first waterfall we saw, then the last several are all different aspects of the same waterfall.

Driving down a twisty turny Costa Rican road and came around a bend to see this dead ahead:

Quite a sight actually. It was really loud, running very was pouring rain when we took these pictures. Costa Rican civil engineers must operate on a different set of values than what we're accustomed to here in the states. I don't know if you can make it out, but the bridge in this photo was constructed right over the previous bridge that washed out.

Here's a shot from behind the waterfall:

And another, from the other side, almost directly behind it:

I think there are a few more Costa Rica picture posts to go....stay tuned....